Relay Board Conversion

A project that converts a parallel-port relay board to a serial shift-out interface.

The AVIOSYS AK28 relay board is a kit originally designed for a PC parallel port interface.  Parallel ports are becoming quite rare, and newer PC operating systems make it quite hard to get direct access the the hardware for manipulating the ports for custom hardware.  Also, MCUs like the Arduino don't easily support a parallel port interface.   In order to make the board usable with a MCU it was upgraded from parallel port to serial shift-out.

A serial shift-out interface uses the 74HC595 (or similar) serial-to-parallel shift register, which is very widely used for Arduino-compatible devices. This device takes a serial stream of 8 bits of data, stores them in a register and makes the data available to an external device with one bit per output pin.  A useful feature of the '595 is that the output pins do not change until the data input is completed, so intermediate values that occur as the data is being streamed in do not appear at the output pins.  A common use is for a 7-segment LED display where the value is loaded from the serial input and converted to parallel form for driving the display.  Obviously, this functionality is suitable for replacing a parallel-port interface. The chip uses just three signals with the Arduino - a data signal that sets the bit values (in sequence), a clock signal that indicates when the bit value has been set and pushes it into the shift register, and a latch signal that marks the ends of the data stream.  The timing for the various signals is very flexible so it is easy to program.  The chip has other features that are not used in this example. Note that the 'HC' version of the chip is probably the only one currently available, but the chip is frequently recovered from old equipment, and other versions such as  "S", "LS" or "F" will work just as well.


The AVIOSYS AK28 is a relay board with eight 9V relays which are driven from a 8-12V input. Each relay has its own driver and indicating LED.  There was an option for powering from a mains supply which was never installed for this example.  The original interface featured a 25-pin 'DB' connector for connection to the parallel port of the PC. Custom software was supplied for sending data to the PC printer port and setting the port control pins as required for the board interface.   The upgrade involved removing the connector and the interface chip, and wiring a small daughter board with the 74HC595 through to some convenient pads that correspond to the 8 data pins of the parallel port, plus pin 14 from the original interface chip for power.  The daughter board was supported with some single-strand copper wire staked to several convenient thru-holes on the board.  The original supply for the logic was from the regulated 6V provided for the relay drivers, via a diode, giving just over 5V at the chip.  



The daughter board consists of the 74HC595 and a 4-pin header for the connection to the Arduino.  The data outputs from the 74HC595 are connected to the 8 thruholes corresponding to the data pins of the parallel connector. The VCC pin of the 74HC595 is wired to a convenient thruhole that has 5V from the on-board regulator.  In this example the 74HC595 is socketed, and the header is actually 7 pins, to allow for connection to the unused 74HC595 pins plus an extra ground if that should be required for some reason.

The Arduino pins listed here correspond to the pins used for the examples referenced below.  No special handling is associated with these pins, and any GPIO pin that can be configured as an output could be used.

The terminology varies somewhat, but SER is the data, RCLK is the clock for the shift register, and SRCLK is the latch, or the 'clock' for the storage register.

The data loading sequence is:

Set the latch to LOW so that the storage contents will not change as the data is streamed in.
Set the data to the first required bit value.
Pulse the clock.
Repeat setting the data and pulsing the clock for the remaining 7 bits
Set the latch to HIGH to transfer the shift register to the storage (output) register.

In the examples referenced below the process of setting the value of each bit and pulsing the clock is handled by an inbuilt routine, using a 8-bit value prepared beforehand, also using an inbuilt routine.


Sample Code


Note that the 74HC595 is a 'device that’s clocked by rising edges'.


Note that the tutorial example 1.2 is the best one to use for the AK28.   Be sure to set the console to "No Line Ending" so that the character handled by the routine is the character that was typed, not the line ending character!

The examples use the the three-wire interface, so the outputs do not change until the rising edge of the latch signal, after the shift register has been loaded.  There are many examples available where the latch is held high.  With this simplified arrangement the outputs will change as the data stream is serialized into the register.  For a bank of relays the latch signal should always be used - if the outputs are allowed the change rapidly the relays may chatter, and current consumption will increase.

This site was last updated 7th August 2024.